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What's Happening at Weed Man

Summer is here, but so are weeds, brown patch fungus and insects like chinch bugs! Our preventive Disease Control & Insect Control applications are in full swing. Now is the time to book treatments to prevent turf loss over the next few stressful months. Why? Because keeping the turf alive throughout the summer months means less seeding required come the fall.


Weeds in your lawn:

If you see weeds in your lawn, please let us know so we can schedule a free re-treat, if it is not yet time for your next scheduled application. Did you know? Service calls and re-treats are free between your regular serviced visits!

There are many reasons why you may need a service visit between applications. Think of your basic applications as a diet and exercise regimen for your lawn, and think of our staff as your lawn’s personal trainer. As the experts, we'll give you the best advice and even recommend targeted applications for specific conditions. 

Rest assured, should any issues arise between applications, we offer (and encourage) free service calls between treatments.


Brown patch fungus:

Brown patch fungus is a soil-bound disease. The right temperatures during both the day and the night, along with moisture, is all it needs to start its attack.

Read more about brown patch fungus HERE.





Chinch bugs:

Chinch bugs are tiny little pests, but don't let their size fool you, as they pack a lethal punch by killing turf almost overnight.

Read more about chinch bugs HERE.


Three ways to approach brown patch and chinch bugs: 

1. Let them run their course over the summer and fix the damaged areas with an aggressive Fall Multi-Pass Core Aeration & Seeding for Fescue lawns.

2. Be reactive and curatively treat the affected areas with Disease & Insect Control applications as needed.  

3. Be proactive and use pre-scheduled Disease & Insect Control applications to stay ahead of any turf stress/loss.


Preventive or reactive:

Additional Disease & Insect Control applications can be scheduled if you cannot bear the look of brown patches on your lawn over the summer. There are 4 of 5 applications remaining that would begin right away. For best results, each treatment needs to be reapplied every 25 to 28 days through to September. If you have further questions or want to schedule these applications please give the office a call


Be our eyes while we are away:

Remember to keep in touch. You see your lawn every day, so as you see weeds or brown areas, please let us know so we can help.